QMS – Management System Approach

A quality management system is a collection of business processes focused on consistently meeting customer
requirements and enhancing their satisfaction. It is aligned with the organization’s purpose and strategic

A quality management system (QMS) is a set of policies, processes and procedures required for planning and
execution (production/development/service) in the core business area of an organization. (i.e. areas that can
impact the organization’s ability to meet customer requirements.)

Quality Management System
Quality Management System

The Concept of Quality Management
A Quality Management System in its basic concept is quite simple.

It seeks to:

  • Recognize the external quality related requirements specified in Licenses to Trade, guidelines, specified customer requirements, and the chosen management system standard(s)
  • Ensure that all requirements have been documented within the management system in the appropriate location in terms of defined specific system requirements.
  • Confirm that employees receive applicable training in the quality system requirements.
  • Outline performance processes, where applicable, to the quality system requirements.
  • Produce records or evidence that system requirements have been met.
  • Measure, monitor and report the extent of compliance with these performance procedures.
  • Continually monitor and analyze changes to the requirements and confirm that all changes are reflected in
    changes to the specific requirements when necessary.
  • Execute the audit and analyze the system processes and correct them when necessary
  • Include processes that will help continually improve the quality system.

ISO 9001:2015 is an example of a Quality Management System.

Design Modification to reduce wastage of resources.

Trunking design at the Initial Stage of Panel Design.

As per the initial design a portion is removing from both corners of each Trunking inside panel.

Approximately 40mm of material is removing from Trunking in every joint and most of the panels are having at least 6 joints.  Total wastage of 240mm trunking in each panel.

A considerable amount of trunking wastage was observed during detailed design stage and modification / corrective actions are taken.
As a result material wastage and associated additional works are prevented during manufacturing stage.

Modified Design after Observation and Corrective Action:

Design Modification are done in a manner that, joining of trunking is possible without removing the edges / corners.
Joining of Trunking without removing the corners.

Total Savings:
2% ~ 3% of the total ducts in a panel.

Descon Automation Control System LLC-Your One Stop Shop Of Instrumentation

Descon Automation Control System LLC UAE’s Process Control Group, provides innovative, advanced Control system Design, development, implementation, factory acceptance tests, site commissioning and on-going site support for public and private sector organizations in utilities (power & water), petrochemicals and general industries.