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White Paper On DMA Capability On Non Calculated Utility Losses

DMA Concept
The concept of District Metering Area (DMA) management was first introduced to the UK water industry in the early 1980’s in UK Report 26. According to that report, DMA is an area of a distribution system which is specifically defined (usually by the closure of valves) and in which the quantities of water entering and leaving the area are metered.
NRW Calculation
Non Revenue Water (NRW) is defined as the difference between the total volume of water Flowed IN TO the DMA and the total volume of water flowed OUT OF the DMA.


  • Leakage
  • Calibration
  • Lack of meters.


DESCON Designed DMA Solution
Supplied DMA System numerically integrates the Flow Rate Signal received from the flow transmitter to get the total volume at all times.

  • This flowmeter totalized volume would provide the quantity of water flowed into the DMA.
  • CPC System can receive this totalized volume from DMA System RTU.
  • Consumer metering (consumption) data is also available at CPC System.
  • Loss of utility water can be obtained by subtracting the “Cumulative total (sum) of all consumer metering data” from the “totalized volume” of DMA System RTU